Keep the Italian Consulate in Philadelphia

At the moment we are faced with the unfortunate possibility that the Italian Consulate may be closing its doors. I feel that it is time for the Italian community to unite and grow as one. This is something we should have done long ago, but now more than ever. We need to keep our ancestors proud of who we are by continuing tradition and teaching our younger generations.

We need to get involved more and promote our community. Our ancestors grew together as a tight community and somewhere along the line, it fell apart. How can we come together again? We could achieve this by teaching our language, culture and customs at schools or local events.

The first thing you can do to help is sign the petition as part of our effort to help keep the Counsel General of Italy open.

“The Consulate General of Italy in Philadelphia might close down as a consequence of budget cuts planned by the Italian Government. Closing the Consulate would be a significant loss for both the local Italian community and the Country itself.”

We appreciate you taking the time to sign the petition. Thank you.

Please let us know if you are interested in getting more involved in helping us unite and rebuild the Italian community or even if you have any suggestions.

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