Pet Safety

Our partners over at gave us some pointers on pet safety while travelling.

Buckling up is an important safety precaution for pets. Many states and provinces now require pets to be restrained while in a moving vehicle and restraints have several advantages. Restraints help protect pets in case of a collision and keep pets from running loose and distracting the driver. Restraints also keep pets from escaping through an open window or door.
Seat belts save lives.  We don’t always think about buckling our pets but when they are in the car, Bark Buckle UP the whole family. In a sudden stop or accident, a dog can become a flying projectile and can injure you, passengers or even hurt himself or herself, as accidents do happen.

Driver’s Safety: In an accident, an unrestrained pet is dangerous to everyone in the car. A 60-pound dog/Golden Retriever becomes a projectile of 2,700 pounds at just 35 mph. A flying projectile like a dog can hit you, a windshield, or another passenger. Pets can also impact the movements of first responders.

It’s up to you to each driver to be prepared. Most drivers won’t think twice about fastening their own seat belt, or placing their child in a car seat, but not everyone buckles up their pets.  The reality is that thousands of pets are injured in car accidents every year — just like humans, animals need to be buckled up for safety.

Never leave a pet in a car, no matter if the weather is cold or hot.  The weather will not deter a thief. According to statistics, temperatures in a car during a nice day while parked in the shade can reach over 120 degrees. Pets can very quickly suffer just like humans, from heat stroke or heat exhaustion.


  • Over 71 million homes in America have a pet
  • 50% of those American homes have more then one pet
  • 82% of pets travel on vacation with their owners
  • Pet friendly lodging increased 300% from 2005-2007
  • 2010 spending pet industry $47.7 billion
  • Surveys show that pets help to lower blood pressure, reduce stress, help to prevent heart disease, help to lower human heath costs and help to fight depression
  • Active pets are healthier and live longer

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